How Did Helen Keller Fly A Plane

One of the biggest thrills of B N’s life, she told a “Bulletin” reporter, was flying a four-engine plane for 20 minutes over the Mediterranean on the journey that has led her to Scotland, and it was the most exhilarating experience of her entire life.

How Did Helen Keller Fly A Plane

Dr. Helen Keller Life Story

despite her disabilities (including being blind, deaf, and mute), has yet another exciting chapter.

She delivered the story in the same way she flew the plane: through hand-to-hand conversation with Miss Polly Thomson, her longtime companion from Scotland.

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Astonished Crew

Dr Keller took over the controls of the plane for 20 minutes when the two were travelling from Rome to Paris on a European tour to help the blind.

Thomson added, “She was sitting in the cb-seat, pilot’s with the pilot next to her in the cockpit, and I was relaying to her his directions.”

Incredibly, the plane’s crew seemed awed by the sensitivity of your controls.” Neither shaking nor vibration was felt. Just sitting there, she calmly and methodically guided the plane.”

“It was lovely to sense the delicate movement of the aeroplane through the controls.” — Dr. Keller’s own statement

As part of the tour, Dr. Keller and Miss Thomson visited cities such as London, Paris, Rome, Naples, and Athens, among other locations.

Stay in Glasgow

They plan to stay in Glasgow for about a month to relax and meet friends before returning to the United States in time for Christmas on a transatlantic flight. Miss Thomson is the Reverend R. J. Thomson’s younger sister. Giffnoek, Ontario, Canada, 30 Woodvale Avenue.

Dr. Keller visited Glasgow ten years ago, and the University of Glasgow honoured her with the degree of LL.D. at that time. Since then, she’s been approached by a number of prestigious American universities about accepting degrees, but she’s turned them down.

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Last Words

“I feel like an ordinary per- son marching in the big army of humanity,” said this amazing woman of 66 yesterday. The only badge I can proudly display is my commitment to their well-being.