Security Policy Prevents Use of Camera

Do you have Android and are unable to use your camera because of a security policy? It appears that this error message is more prevalent on Samsung handsets; several users have reported it on various online forums.

How to Overcome Samsung’s Security Settings That Block the Camera

Security Policy Prevents Use of Camera

Method 1: Turn off the Samsung device and let it cool down.

Let’s keep things basic and just reboot the Samsung mobile device. Most of the time, restarting the smartphone will fix the problem because it was just a temporary hiccup. Rebooting your Samsung device might be all that’s needed to resolve the problem.

Now, in such situations, the cause is typically a faulty dictionary on the SD card. This is where the photos and videos are saved. In this case, it’s recommended that you restart the smartphone after removing the SIM card and SD card.

Method 2: The Samsung phone’s camera must be tried in “safe mode” before the rest of the device is used.

Malicious apps or user modifications may have been tampering with the camera module, leading to the security policy ban on cameras. It is possible that putting the phone into Safe Mode and trying the camera again will fix the issue.

  1. Keep holding the side power button until the menu appears.
  2. You can enter Safe Mode by pressing and holding the Power button.
  3. On a Samsung device, you can access Safe Mode by tapping the Safe Mode option.

Invoke the camera programme at this time. In the event that the Samsung phone is functioning normally and there is no notice displaying on the screen, a standard restart should be performed.

You’ll need to make some adjustments or delete certain nasty third-party apps to have this resolved.

Method 3: Turn off Sensors Mode

There is critical importance placed on the phone’s sensors. The camera notifications on your Samsung mobile device won’t work if they’re disabled or misconfigured, following the company’s strict security policy.

Therefore, you should check that your smartphone’s Sensors Off setting is disabled. You can turn off this function in the Android system’s shortcut settings menu. You need to turn off the sensors by going to the control panel and finding the corresponding switch.

The issue is that this is a crucial setting, but you cannot access it until you have already opened the Developer Options. No need to worry if you haven’t tampered with the sensor settings if you don’t see the option on the quick panel.

But if you insist on knowing how to turn on, or more accurately, off, the Sensors Off option in the settings, you can do so by reading on.

  1. Initiate the About Phone procedure by opening the Settings menu.
  2. Select the Build Number under the “Software Information” menu.
  3. You must now hit the Build Number exactly seven times to enable Developer Options.

There’s a need to return to the menu where you initially configured the system. Select the “Developer” menu. Tap Quick Settings Developer Tiles after you’ve scrolled down. The Sensors Off option can be found in the next menu.

The option will appear on the Android quick settings panel if the switch next to it is activated. The feature will be invisible while it is disabled.

Just to Conclude

That’s all there is to it. Here’s how to fix the “Security Policy Prevents Use of Camera” error message on your Samsung device. Using the advice in this tutorial, we hope you’ll be able to get back to shooting without any problems.